Source code for plant.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# <plant - filesystem for humans>
# Copyright (C) <2013>  Gabriel Falcão <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

version = __version__ = '0.1.2'

import io
import os
import re

from fnmatch import fnmatch
from os.path import (
from os.path import isfile as isfile_base
from os.path import isdir as isdir_base

absolutify = lambda reference_path: lambda *path: join(abspath(dirname(reference_path)), *path)
LOCAL_FILE = absolutify(__file__)

def isfile(path, exists):
    if exists:
        return isfile_base(path)

    return '.' in split(path)[-1]

def isdir(path, exists):
    if exists:
        return isdir_base(path)

    return '.' not in split(path)[-1]

class DotDict(dict):
    def __getattr__(self, attr):
            return super(DotDict, self).__getattribute(attr)
        except AttributeError:
            return self[attr]

STAT_LABELS = ["mode", "ino", "dev", "nlink", "uid", "gid", "size", "atime", "mtime", "ctime"]

DOTDOTSLASH = '..{0}'.format(os.sep)

[docs]class Node(object): """Node is a file abstraction. The constructor takes a path as a parameter and grabs filesystem information about it. Its attributes `is_file` and `isdir` are booleans and are useful for quickly identifying its 'type', which among Plant's engine codebase is either 'blob', for a file and 'dir' for a directory. It also has `self.metadata`, which is just a handy `DotDict` containing the results of calling `os.stat` (mode, ino, dev, nlink, uid, giu, size, atime, mtime, ctime) """ def __init__(self, path): self.path = abspath(expanduser(path)).rstrip('/') self.path_regex = '^{0}'.format(re.escape(self.path)) try: stats = os.stat(self.path) self.exists = True except OSError: stats = [0] * len(STAT_LABELS) self.exists = False self.metadata = DotDict(zip(STAT_LABELS, stats)) self.is_file = isfile(self.path, exists=self.exists) self.is_dir = isdir(self.path, exists=self.exists)
[docs] @classmethod def new(cls, *args, **kw): """creates a new instance of :py:class:`Node` mostly used internally by its methods. :param ``*args``: :param ``**kw``: :returns: a new instance of :py:class:`Node` """ return cls(*args, **kw)
@property def basename(self): """extracts the basename the node path :: >>> from plant import Node >>> >>> Node('/srv/application/').basename '' :returns: :py:class:`bytes` """ return basename(self.path)
[docs] def list(self): """returns a list of files children of the current directory if the node points to a file, it's siblings will be listed :: >>> from plant import Node >>> >>> Node('/srv/application/').list() [ Node('/srv/application/'), Node('/srv/application/README.rst') ] :returns: a :py:class:`list` of :py:class:`Node` """ return list(map(, os.listdir(self.dir.path)))
@property def dir(self): """returns a :py:class:`Node` pointing to the current directory. this call is idempotent in the sense that chaining up multiple class results in the same node. :: >>> from plant import Node >>> >>> Node('/srv/application/').dir Node('/srv/application') >>> >>> Node('/srv/application/').dir.dir Node('/srv/application') >>> >>> Node('/srv/application/').dir.dir.dir Node('/srv/application') >>> >>> # and so on :returns: :py:class:`Node` """ if not self.is_dir: return self.parent else: return self @property def directory(self): """shortcut for :py:attr:`Node.dir` :: >>> from plant import Node >>> >>> Node('/srv/application/').directory Node('/srv/application') >>> >>> Node('/srv/application/') Node('/srv/application') >>> >>> Node('/srv/application/') Node('/srv/application') >>> >>> # and so on :returns: :py:class:`Node` """ return self.dir @property def parent(self): """returns a :py:class:`Node` pointing to the parent directory. it stops at the root node. :: >>> from plant import Node >>> >>> Node('/srv/application').parent Node('/srv') >>> >>> Node('/srv/application').parent.parent Node('/') >>> >>> # it stops at the root node >>> Node('/srv/application').parent.parent.parent Node('/') :returns: :py:class:`Node` """ return
[docs] def could_be_updated_by(self, other): """check to see if the ``mtime`` of another :py:class:`Node` is greater than the current one. :param other: the other :py:class:`Node` :returns: bool - true if the other node is "newer" """ return self.metadata.mtime < other.metadata.mtime
[docs] def relative(self, path): """returns the relative from the current :py:class:`Node` to the given string :: >>> from plant import Node >>> >>> Node('/opt/media/mp3/').relative('/opt/media/mp4/my-video.mp4') '../mp4/my-video.mp4' :param path: a path string :returns: :py:class:`bytes` """ return re.sub(self.path_regex, '', path).lstrip(os.sep)
[docs] def trip_at(self, path, lazy=False): """Iterates recursively on a subpath of the current :py:class:`Node` It basically performs a py:func:`os.walk` at the given path and yields the absolute path to each file :: >>> from plant import Node >>> >>> Node('/opt/media').trip_at('mp3', lazy=False) [ '/opt/media/mp3/music1.mp3', '/opt/media/mp3/music2.mp3', ] :param path: a path string :param lazy: bool - if True returns an iterator, defaults to a flat :py:class:`list` :returns: an iterator or a list of :py:class:`bytes` """ def iterator(): for root, folders, filenames in os.walk(self.join(path)): for filename in filenames: yield join(root, filename) return lazy and iterator() or list(iterator())
[docs] def walk(self, lazy=False): """Same as :py:meth:`Node.trip_at` but iterates recursively within the current :py:class:`Node` instead. :: >>> from plant import Node >>> >>> Node('/opt/media').walk(lazy=False) [ '/opt/media/mp3/music1.mp3', '/opt/media/mp3/music2.mp3', '/opt/media/mp4/my-video.mp4', ] :param path: a path string :param lazy: bool - if True returns an iterator, defaults to a flat :py:class:`list` :returns: an iterator or a list of :py:class:`bytes` """ return self.trip_at(self.path, lazy=lazy)
[docs] def glob(self, pattern, lazy=False): """ searches for globs recursively in all the children node of the current node returning a respective [python`Node`] instance for that given. Under the hood it applies the given ``pattern`` into :py:func:`fnmatch.fnmatch` :: >>> from plant import Node >>> >>> mp3_node = Node('/opt/media/mp3') >>> mp3_node.glob('*.mp3') [ Node('/opt/media/mp3/music1.mp3'), Node('/opt/media/mp3/music2.mp3'), ] :param pattern: a valid :py:mod:`fnmatch` pattern string :param lazy: bool - if True returns an iterator, defaults to a flat :py:class:`list` :returns: an iterator or a list of :py:class:`Node` """ def iterator(): for filename in self.walk(lazy=lazy): if fnmatch(filename, pattern): yield return lazy and iterator() or list(iterator())
[docs] def find_with_regex(self, pattern, flags=0, lazy=False): """ searches recursively for children that match the given regex returning a respective [python`Node`] instance for that given. It works like :py:meth:`Node.glob` but applies a regexp match rather instead. :: >>> from plant import Node >>> >>> Node('/opt/media').find_with_regex('[.](mp3|mp4)$') [ Node('/opt/media/mp3/music1.mp3'), Node('/opt/media/mp3/music2.mp3'), Node('/opt/media/mp4/my-video.mp4'), ] :param pattern: a valid :py:mod:`fnmatch` pattern string :param lazy: bool - if True returns an iterator, defaults to a flat :py:class:`list` :returns: an iterator or a list of :py:class:`Node` """ def iterator(): for filename in self.walk(lazy=lazy): if, filename, flags): yield return lazy and iterator() or list(iterator())
def __eq__(self, other): """Compares two :py:class:`Node` objects Under the hood it compares the path and the metadata (permissions, ownership) >>> from plant import Node >>> >>> node1 = Node('/opt/media') >>> node2 = Node('/opt/media') >>> node3 = Node('/opt/media/mp3') >>> node1 == node2 True >>> node3 == node1 False """ return self.path == other.path and self.metadata == other.metadata
[docs] def find(self, relative_path): """Calls :py:meth:`Node.find_with_regex` with ``lazy=True`` but only returns the first occurrence. :: >>> from plant import Node >>> >>> Node('/opt/media').find('[.](mp3|mp4)$') Node('/opt/media/mp3/music1.mp3') :param relative_path: :py:class:`bytes` :returns: a :py:class:`Node` """ for found in self.find_with_regex(relative_path, lazy=True): return found return None
[docs] def depth_of(self, path): """Calculates the level of depth of the given path inside of the instance's path. Only really works with paths that are relative to the class. :: >>> from plant import Node >>> >>> level = Node('/foo/bar').depth_of('/foo/bar/another/dir/') >>> level 2 :param path: :py:class:`bytes` :returns: a :py:class:`bool` """ new_path = self.relative(path) final_path = self.join(new_path) if isfile(final_path, exists(final_path)): new_path = dirname(new_path) new_path = new_path.rstrip('/') new_path = "{0}/".format(new_path) return new_path.count(os.sep)
[docs] def goto(self, path): """Returns a :py:class:`Node` pointing to the given directory :: >>> from plant import Node >>> >>> Node('/opt/media/mp3/').goto('../mp4/my-video.mp4') Node('/opt/media/mp4/my-video.mp4') :param path: :py:class:`bytes` :returns: a :py:class:`Node` """ return
[docs] def cd(self, path): """Shortcut for :py:meth:`Node.goto`, also works for files, though has a better semantic outlook when handling directories. :: >>> from plant import Node >>> >>> Node('/opt/media/mp3').cd('../mp4') Node('/opt/media/mp4') :param path: :py:class:`bytes` :returns: a :py:class:`Node` """ return
[docs] def contains(self, path): """Checks if the given path exists as an immediate relative of the current node's path :: >>> from plant import Node >>> >>> Node('/opt/media/mp3').contains('unknown-track.mp3') False >>> >>> Node('/opt/media/mp4').contains('../mp3/music1.mp3') True :param path: :py:class:`bytes` :returns: :py:class:`bool` """ return exists(self.join(path))
[docs] def join(self, *path): """Joins the given path with that of the current node's Does not check if the target file exists, it simply concatenates strings using the native platform's path separator. :: >>> from plant import Node >>> >>> Node('/opt/media/mp3').join('unknown-track.mp3') '/opt/media/mp3/unknown-track.mp3' >>> Node('/opt/media/mp4').join('..' , 'mp3', 'music1.mp3') '/opt/media/mp3/music1.mp3' :param path: :py:class:`bytes` :returns: :py:class:`bytes` """ return abspath(join(self.path, *path))
[docs] def open(self, path, *args, **kw): """performs an :py:func:`` on the given relative path to the current node. :: >>> from plant import Node >>> >>> documents = Node('/opt/documents') >>> with'hello-world.txt', 'wb', 'utf-8') as f: ... f.write('HELLO WORLD') >>>'hello-world.txt').read() 'HELLO WORLD' :param path: :py:class:`bytes` :param ``*args``: passed onto :py:func:`` :param ``*kw``: passed onto :py:func:`` :returns: :py:class:`io.FileIO` """ return, *args, **kw)
def __repr__(self): """string representation of a :py:class:`Node` :: >>> from plant import Node >>> >>> repr(Node('/opt/documents')) 'Node("/opt/documents")' """ return 'Node({0})'.format(repr(relpath(self.path)))